Get Ready for School

The first day of school is approaching fast! Help your student get organized – and have some fun – with these handmade craft ideas from Lakeshore Learning.
Back-to-School Desktop Organizer (Ages 5 and up)
Get your homework area ready, and put some old boxes and containers to good use, with this desktop organizer.
What You’ll Need:
• Shoebox with lid
• Markers, crayons or paint
• Construction paper
• Lakeshore Flexible Foam Shapes, Textured Collage Shapes or stickers
• Small box with lid
• Empty yogurt container
• Scissors
• Glue
Step 1: Use markers, crayons and/or paint to decorate the outside of the shoebox and its lid.
Step 2: Glue colored paper around the yogurt container. Set aside to dry.
Step 3: Glue the small box and yogurt container to the shoebox lid.
Step 4: Then, glue the small box lid upside down to the shoebox lid (so that it forms a shallow storage tray). Set aside to dry.
Step 5: Decorate the organizer with flexible foam shapes, collage materials, stickers or markers.
Step 6: When complete, store glue in the small box, smaller items like erasers and pencil sharpeners in the small box lid, and crayons, markers or pencils in the yogurt container. Store larger items inside the shoebox.
Homework Time Door Sign (Ages 6 and up)
When it’s time to get down to business, your child can warn off distraction with this cute and handy door hanger.
What You’ll Need:
• Pencil template
• Lakeshore Jumbo Colored Craft Sticks (or plain craft sticks and paint)
• Yellow tagboard
• Construction paper in black and pink
• Glue
• Markers
• Ribbon or string
Step 1: Print and cut out the pencil template ( Trace the shape onto yellow tagboard. Cut out the pencil.
Step 2: Select four craft sticks of the same color for the pencil. (If using plain craft sticks, paint them one color.) Glue one craft stick to the top center of the template, leaving room at one end for the eraser and at the other end for the pencil point. Glue the other three craft sticks below the first one.
Step 3: Cut a small black triangle from construction paper and glue it to the tip of the template to make the pencil point. Attach a rectangle of pink paper for the eraser.
Step 4: Use a marker to write the message “Homework Time” on the craft sticks.
Step 5: Glue a ribbon to the back of the sign to form a loop that can hang from a doorknob. Allow the glue to dry completely.
Step 6: Encourage your child to place the sign on the doorknob of his or her room for quiet study time.
Check It Out!
Looking for seasonal or educational craft ideas? Visit and click on crafts and activities, under resources. 
Or drop any Lakeshore Learning store Saturdays between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. for Free Crafts for Kids. There are locations in Walnut Creek, San Leandro and San Jose.


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