Camp Galileo

Innovation, Friendship and Fun!
Oakland, California
About Camp Galileo
STEAM Projects & Outdoor Fun for K-8th
More About Camp Galileo

Get ready for an unforgettable summer at Camp Galileo, full of engaging STEAM projects, collaborative design challenges and classic camp fun.

What’s Camp Galileo all about?

  1. Innovative Mission: We develop innovators who envision and create a better world
  2. Engaging Curriculum: NEW STEAM projects, hands-on collaboration and outdoor play every day
  3. Convenient locations: 20+ Bay Area locations
  4. Simple scheduling: Weekly sessions with morning and afternoon extended care options
  5. Summer Fun: Water days, fun machines, rubber chicken cheers, skits, songs and more!
  6. Spectacular Staff: Our experienced staffers facilitate friendships and make camp magic

Use code GALBAYPARENT25* to save $25/week. Combinable with Early Bird through February 28, 2025. *Applicable on future purchases only, cannot be retroactively applied.

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